Student Activities

Student activities at Wilmington College cover a wide range of interests from sports to Greek organizations. Clubs are often associated with academic areas, such as the Aggies Club with agriculture.

Students are encouraged to participate in theatre productions, vocal and instrumental music groups, and intramural and intercollegiate athletics. Hermann Court athletic facilities and the Quaker Recreation Center are available to all students. There are facilities for racquetball, swimming, weight-training, walking/jogging, etc. There is a fitness trail and nature trail in the Arboretum.

Students have their own governance structure, the Student Government Association (SGA), and their own program planning group, the Activities Programming Board (APB). The APB has a substantial budget with which to plan activities for all students. These include social events, films, speakers, discussion groups, off-campus tours, cultural and sporting events, and many other programs of interest to students. Students also publish a newspaper, yearbook, and literary magazine.