Class Attendance

Each member of the Wilmington College faculty will provide all students enrolled in his/her courses with a written statement on attendance policy for each particular course during the first week of the semester.  This statement will specify what role, if any, class attendance plays in grading and the specific penalties for excessive absences as the professor defines that term. Individual faculty members may elect to impose consequences on students who have excused absences in excess of 10% of class meetings, e.g., more than 4 excused absences in a full-semester, three-day per week course or more than 3 absences in a full-semester, two-day per week course.  The College accepts these four categories of excused absences:

  1. Activities in which the student serves as an official representative of the College (e.g., musical performances, athletic contests, field trips).
  2. Personal illness, with documentation by the College nurse or a physician, if possible. 
  3. Family or personal emergencies. 
  4. When severe weather makes travel to campus dangerous.

Wilmington College recognizes the benefit of student involvement with athletics and other College activities.  However, we also recognize that excessive absences can affect student learning outcomes and not all classes are amenable to alternative assignments.  In some cases, it is impossible to reschedule critical learning experiences.  Students should work with advisors and potential faculty members to design student course schedules that minimize absences based on their expected athletic and co-curricular activities. 

Faculty members are expected to accept the College's basic definition of excused absences in their individual policies and monitor attendance, but faculty members may also choose to accept other absences as excused (entirely at the discretion of each faculty member). Students are expected to be responsible for informing faculty members about excused absences (including documentation, if required) and for arranging to make up all work missed because of absences. Students who will have to miss class to represent the College should provide schedules of these absences to the faculty member as soon in the semester as they are known.  Faculty are encouraged to make a good faith effort to accommodate students with excused absences through alternative assignments when possible but are not required to do so.  

Students should notify the Office of Academic Affairs if they are unable to attend classes due to surgery, extended illness, etc. Extended absences without notification can result in immediate administrative withdrawal from the College. In addition, during any term, a pattern of non-engagement or four or more academic alert notices in multiple classes can also result in immediate administrative withdrawal or suspension. Non-engagement is defined as missing classes, refusal to adhere to the College's policies, non-attendance, non-responsiveness to attempts to communicate, or a combination of these factors.