The grading system used at Wilmington College is the following: "A", "A-" (range of outstanding achievement) ; "B+", "B", "B-" (range of good achievement) ; "C+", "C", "C-" (range of average or satisfactory achievement) ; "D+", "D" (range of below average achievement) ; "F" (inadequate achievement: achievement does not meet minimum standards) ; "K" (transfer credit) ; "P" (credit: average achievement or better) ; "N" (no credit: below average or inadequate achievement); "W” (no credit: course dropped after the drop/add period); “WF” (inadequate achievement: achievement does not meet minimum standards). An "I" (incomplete) and an "NR" (grade not reported) are used as temporary grades under certain conditions. A "W" grade could impact average hours, see Academic Good Standing Policies.
Faculty members will choose whether to use +/grading for their courses, and the grading policy will be specified on the course syllabus. Faculty members are not obligated to use +/grades for a course.
An "I" grade will only be given when work has not been completed for reasons beyond the student's control and must be approved by the Vice President, Chief Academic Officer/Dean of Faculty. The professor must designate the time span during which the student must complete the work, and the professor must designate the permanent grade to be given if the work is not made up. Incompletes from the fall semester must be completed no later than the first Wednesday of February. Incompletes from the spring and summer semesters must be made up no later than the first Wednesday of October. It is the student’s responsibility to consult with the professor and complete all work required within the designated time period. If there are extenuating circumstances, students may petition the Academic Standards and Appeals Committee for an extension prior to the "I" deadline.
Pass/No Pass may be used in the following way: at registration or at any time up through the final drop date, a student may elect to take one or two courses on a pass/no pass basis, in addition to any course so specified by the professor for all students. After this time, a student may change from a pass/no pass basis to a letter-grade basis until the final day to drop a class. For courses selected as pass/no pass by the student, grades between "A" and "C-" submitted by the professor will be recorded as "P". Grades between "D+" and "F" will be converted to "N" (no credit) and will not be granted academic credit. Courses taken on a pass/no pass basis are not used in computing a student's grade point average. A student is permitted to take two student-elected pass/no pass courses while completing a degree. In instances where students need a particular letter grade to meet major, minor, or admission requirements, or in majors, minors, or programs where student-elected pass/no pass is not permitted, students may not elect pass/no pass. For each course dropped after the drop/add period, a non-punitive grade of "W" will appear on both the grade report and the transcript.
If a course is being audited, and the student fulfills attendance requirements, the designation "AU" will appear on the grade report and transcript. No credit will be granted and, in the event the student fails to meet the professor’s attendance requirement, no mention of the course will appear on the transcript.
NOTE: Students planning to attend graduate school are advised not to take courses in the major on a pass/no pass basis. In majors or minors that require a grade of "C" or better, a required P/N course meets the requirement with a grade of "P".
If a student fails a course because of circumstances beyond the student’s control, the professor, academic advisor, or Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs may ask the Academic Standards and Appeals Committee to determine whether these grades should be erased from the student’s official transcript and excluded from the grade point average.